Father’s Day

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Once again father’s day has gone away leaving a sigh or a drop of tear in many fathers ! They may have to wait for yet another 365 days to see their children coming to visit them in old age homes, nursing homes ,assisted living centers, long stay facilities or their lonely apartments . Their children come with beautiful flowers and Greeting cards printed with words like ‘For the best daddy in the world” or “you are the greatest dad”. Some fathers do not even know what is happening as their body and mind are crippled by the loneliness in such facilities and lovelessness  of their offsprings over the years. What they yearn for is love …love from their children whom they had cuddled and carried in their infancy, and brought them up without caring for their own heath or future because they wanted to build up a future for their dear children. The children grow up, get married, beget children, make homes and move away , leaving their aging parents alone. The aging parents try to be together till one of them bids farewell from this world. The refuge for the other becomes  an old age home, assisted living centre or such, as their children are reluctant to accommodate  them. However they are reminded of their fathers on Father’s day – thanks to the commercial publicity attached to it by the media. They visit them on father’s day not with love but shallow pretensions of love. Many are surprised and even shocked by the huge volume of money bequeathed to dogs and cats by their owners! Why ? They do so because it was these poor animals that loved them and cared for them in their lonely darkened days of old age.

Even people who claim themselves to be children of God and led by the Spirit of God do not have a compulsion to look after their aging parents. Children of God  should always remember and obey  the 5th commandment which says “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.(Ex 20:12)”. St. Paul exhorts us ” Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right (Ephesians 6:1) and reminds us to “honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise (Ephesians  6:2).

Today the obedience  and observance of the  5th commandment has been reduced to an annual event on the father’s day.

Remember that your prayers and praises can  gain nothing from your heavenly  father  when you neglect your father on earth.

8 thoughts on “Father’s Day

  1. Ellen Kulangara

    Praise God for this blog! These words are truly inspiring and touching. This message rlly changed my perspective on how exactly we must honor the parents that God has given us. It showed me that we should see Father’s day as every day and honor our fathers and mothers by loving them and obeying them in our every action and emotion, in our every attitude.

  2. sheeba zacharia

    Praise the Lord for this site! Words like these inspired by the Holy Spirit ignite such a fire in the soul of the readers and brings about a change to our attitudes which is the key to changing lives. Thank you for teaching us to love and honour our parents – the real key to our blessings and long life.

  3. Thomas Simon

    This is truely an eye opening article of our Brother.Its very true and is happeneing in all part of the world. Many parents are alone even in their own home under the custody of their staffs as their offsprings are abroad or staying away from them.

    One thing I have noticed is that sons/daughters don’t know how to show love to their parents. Spenting some time with them will make them very happy than giving then flowers or cards. Sharing the household things will also make them feel as a part of the family. Sons/Daughters should realise these smal small things…..

  4. Martin

    It is truly an eye opening article. Many times the true meaning of such special days are forgotten in the many shopping deals and such. On the other hand, it is not because the children don’t know how to show love to their parents, it is the choice of the children not to, as they find and give love to others around them. They don’t find any gain or reason to love their parents. This reason is clearly shown in this article as a commandment of God.

    Praise the Lord!!

  5. Blessy Saji

    PRAISE THE LORD!!! I really pray if more youngsters were reading this article so that Holy Spirit will make them realise the importance of obeying and respecting their parents. Even in my life, i learned to obey and respect my parents when the Holy Spirit pointed out my mistake.

  6. Peter Mathew (Ribu)

    A touching article just made me feel how lucky I’m to have parents. EVERY DAY SHOULD BE PARENTS DAY,after all we owe them our lives. Thank God for the message hope it touches everyone’s heart who reads this.

  7. Raina Jojy

    Praise the Lord for this blog. This article is truly inspiring and it also helps us to change our attitudes and views in life . Thank you very much for making us understand how valuable our parents are and how to love and honour them.

  8. Bobby

    Very touching very true… I pray that all who’ve read this message does take the initiative to share it among their friends circle/network and relatives.

    Note:Let there be no age or group defined while sharing…

    Praise the Lord!

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