Reaching God is a desire treasured and a dream nourished by many. Young men join seminaries and women monasteries even from their teens with the ardent desire to reach God. Some wander away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to forests and deserts embracing solitude and spend the rest of their lives in meditation in their quest to reach God. Massive conventions are held and millions of preachers struggle hard to drive the people into the right road to reach God.
Gorgeous cathedrals, lavishly furbished Temples, Mosques and minarets adorned with precious metals and other pompusly decorated worship places proclaim their thirst to reach God. People of different religions try to destroy one another to prove others are wrong in their pursuit to reach God. People of the same religion massacre each other to establish that their path is the right one to reach God. Ecclesiastical leaders plunder their sheep and fight each other in courts of law on earth to establish their rights to seat themselves on the unseen thrones in heaven after reaching God!
But who can reach God? Let’s listen to David….
1Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
2He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
3He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
4In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
5He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
Psalm 15
Praise God! Beautiful website and truly inspiring words to reflect on.
Truly inspiring message!
Praise the Lord! This beautiful picture on this blog reminds me of the story called, “Footprints” by Mary Stevenson. It is motivating and helpful to read these blesses versus from Psalms 15. i pray as this website touched me it may touch others.
This website is indeed a blessing. A true stimulant to the people of Christian faith!!Reaching God will definitely evoke many souls to the Living God.
Praise God for this website! Amazing, inspiring and the truth being spoken out .
Awesome presentation!!!!
Good website.Liked the ponderings.
Truly an eye-opening message about how we can reach the presence of the Almighty Lord! Praise God!
This is awe-inspiring; these meditations will undeniably help people walk the true Christian Life. Praise The Lord!
Dear Brother,
It was indeed a heartfelt reliving through those days when God has gifted us the Visudha Sathya Veda Pustakam through your hands. Yes Lord is with you and it is sad that many (including the Church/Spiritual leaders) who have experienced the touch of Holy Spirit from the Visudha Sathya Veda Pusthakam are not standing up to it.
I encourage and pray for those who go through these lines to think and act differently. It is a great blessing for us that Lord has made it possible to bring out The Christian Walk Bible too for the whole world in these days and thank God for providing you that great oppertunity to present the new Bible in a grand way among the chosen vessels of God.
Brother your message is an eye opener to the lost values in our society. May God bring many to such realisation and repentance and restoration of God’s love in them.
I pray that Lord strengthen you for more such endeavours for the Word of God in many other languages.
All Praise and Glory to the Holy Trinity.
Wonderful and informative Website,
Excellent articles.
Thank you Brother.
Bro: K.C. Varughese
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July 23rd, 2009 at 10:14 am
Praise the Lord, Praising Him for giving us another powerful Word of God through the years of trials. We Praise you Almighty for your servanst’s wonderful work and toil. We could experience the power when we touched the Christian Walk Bible, when it reached our hands. May the Lord shower more blessings and graces to His chosen servant to do more for His Master.
Thank God for giving a very informative website at this time when people are disrupted by faith all over the world. May the Almighty God use Brother more and more in the coming days with The Word of God.
Praise the Lord, Praising Him for giving us another powerful Word of God through the years of trials. We Praise you Almighty for your servanst’s wonderful work and toil. We could experience the power when we touched the Christian Walk Bible, when it reached our hands. May the Lord shower more blessings and graces to His chosen servant to do more for His Master.
The site is great and surely something we can be proud about to tell others. PRAISE GOD for the wonderful presentation and for our Brother. May the Lord guide and use Brother more for the word of God.
Praise the Loard, for he enabled you to do the great things.
This Website is truely a blessing and inspiration for many of those who stands for Living God bravely
We pray Almighty God to shower up on you more grace and use you more and more in his mighty hands.
Thank You Brother
Praise the Lord,
Christian Walk Bible is amazing and wonderful gift of God through our Brother, whose hardships and toiling found the result. May God bless you with more gifts and graces to venture out with new ideas for His glory.
We are proud to say that we have our own Bible in English Language
and the ALMIGHTY POWERFUL GOD has choosen you to do this great job for him.
Our Prayer always for you to do more and more.
John Daniel and family.
These words are seldom thought by anyone who is in pursuit of reaching God. However, we might only realize this at the end of life. But thank you for pointing out the principles of reaching of God through this Psalm. I pray that many others will join me in correcting their lives on reading this today so that our desire to reach God is successful.
Praise God for the Christian Walk Bible an amazing gift to this world through our beloved Brother. We thank you for pointing out the ways of reaching god.